Parts 2 & 3: Spray Dried Plasma in Pet Food – The Multiple Functions Of a Unique Ingredient

Read parts 2 & 3 of the article by Dr. Ricardo Souza Vasconcellos on “Spray Dried Plasma in Pet Food: The Multiple Functions of a Unique Ingredient” published in All Pet Food Magazine, pages 18 & 19.

In the first part, the author presents the characteristics, functions and use of Spray Dried Plasma in Dry and Wet Pet Food.

Key Points Highlighted in the Series on the Use of Spray Dried Plasma in Pet Foods:

FunctionParameterObserved Result
TechnologicalWet Texture
•Increases hardness, water
•retention and juiciness in wet
•Prevents the separation of phases
in wet foods
•Possible improvement in
processing in extruded products
Biological value
• Palatable for dogs and cats
• Highly digestible
• Essential amino acid profile superior
to conventional sources
•Reduces the decrease in cognitive
function in aging
•Regulates the intestinal microbiota
•Improves gut integrity
•Improves gut defense mechanisms
•Improves passive immunity
•Increases immunomodulatory
•Reduces the effects of inflammageing

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