• Consider foods, treats and supplements that contain plasma: Meat by-products are important ingredients that ensure pet nutritional and health needs are met. Plasma is backed by decades of research demonstrating a proven whole-body effect, modulating inflammation at the source. Consumed orally, our functional proteins don’t interfere with the body’s natural immune response to inflammation; instead, they help the immune system to respond more quickly and efficiently. Read more about plasma
  • Healthy Diet: Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is fundamental to your pet’s health and well-being. Choose high-quality food that meets your pet’s specific nutritional needs based on their age, size, and activity level. Avoid overfeeding and limit treats to maintain a healthy weight. Fresh water should always be available. Consult your vet for personalized dietary recommendations and to address any specific health concerns or dietary needs.
  • If you wouldn’t eat it, either should they: Avoid giving your pet foods that aren’t safe for humans, as many human foods can be harmful to pets. Additionally, just as you wouldn’t leave food out overnight for yourself, don’t leave your pet’s food out for extended periods. Store their food properly and serve it fresh to prevent spoilage and potential health risks. Stick to pet-specific foods and treats that are formulated to meet their dietary needs, and consult your vet before introducing new foods.
  • Research your the foods you’re feeding: Take the time to research and understand the ingredients in your pet’s food. Look for high-quality, nutritious options that meet your pet’s specific dietary needs. Avoid foods with fillers, artificial additives, or potentially harmful ingredients.
  • Don’t jump on the bandwagon of trends: Avoid following pet food trends without proper research. What’s popular isn’t always the best choice for your pet’s health. Focus on well-established, scientifically-backed nutrition tailored to your pet’s specific needs rather than the latest fad.