PIJAC Calgary

Calgary, Alberta is a mecca for pet trends, making it a perfect spot to host the 2023 Calgary National Pet Industry Show. This event is sure to satisfy, literally offering

Petfood Forum

Kansas City Convention Center 301 W 13th Street Suite 100, Kansas City, MO, United States

Petfood Forum: A place to collaborate and find solutions to pet food market challenges Consumer desires are changing rapidly which is impacting how pet food is processed, distributed, marketed and sold. Petfood Forum provides an immersive educational experience for learning about consumer purchasing behavior, trends and innovations. With expert insights and unique networking Petfood Forum


Expo Dom Pedro Avenida Guilherme Campos, 500 - Bloco II - Jardim Santa Genebra, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

APC Booth: H11. The congress will take place at Expo Dom Pedro, in Campinas, São Paulo, and will start on May 10 with the Workshop on Nutrition and Nutrology of Dogs and Cats, and on May 11 and 12 will continue with the latest updates on the pet food market with CBNA Pet.